Tractor Tug for Tots
Reynolds Walk 50 Stone Rd E, GuelphTeams of eight to 10 people will compete to pull a tractor down Reynolds Walk in the fastest time. The non-profit event has a $200.00 registration fee that is being…
Glory, Glory to the College on the Hill!
Teams of eight to 10 people will compete to pull a tractor down Reynolds Walk in the fastest time. The non-profit event has a $200.00 registration fee that is being…
Bruce Schumann is a Swine Nutritionist with Grand Valley will be speaking on different mycotoxin in swine diets and how they effect both sows and finishing hogs. Pizza will be…
Come out to the inaugural meeting of the Women in Agriculture Club! We will be having guest speaker and OAC Alumni Lauren Benoit come to speak about her experiences in…