OAC Baseball Tournament

Twin Diamonds

Represent your class in the annual OAC Baseball Tournament, as the Buffalo look to three-peat. The games will be played at the Twin Diamonds on the south end of campus.…

Poultry Club Meeting

ANNU 156

Come on out to poultry club, where we will have a team of guest speakers from Maple Lodge Farms coming talk to us! A large commercial chicken supplier and processor…

Resume Night

MINS 300 Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Resume night MINS 300 September 27th 5:30- 7:30. FREE PIZZA! The OAC job fair is Oct. 3rd, but is your resume a little rusty? Are you hoping to work off of the…

Escarpment Laboratories Tour

Escarpment Labratories

Agriculture Economics and Business Club is hosting a field trip to Escarpment Laboratories, a yeast lab right behind our good old university. The lab trades and sells in liquid yeast…

Dairy Science Club Meeting


Come on out to the first Dairy Science meeting of the year! We will be electing a 2022 rep to be on the executive to help us plan meetings throughout…

Sheep and Goat Meeting

45 Reid Crt.

Hay! Hoof it on over to the first sheep and goat meeting! We will be electing new members into our flock, including a 2022 representative. There wool also be free…

Judging Meeting – Fraeland Farms

ANNU Parking Lot

The second meeting of the judging club will be Monday, October 1 at Fraeland Farms in Fergus to judge classes of dairy heifers and cows. A 22’s class rep will…

College Royal Elections

ANNU 141

The last elections meeting for College Royal Society is happening Tuesday evening! Don't miss out on your chance to be part of this amazing team. The meeting will be taking…

Careers and Cocktails Evening

Grad lounge

Join us for an evening of networking within the Agriculture industry and University of Guelph Grads! Appetizers and refreshments will be provided! There will be many opportunities to chat with leaders…