“Welcome to the OAC” Summer BBQ

Branion Plaza University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada

Join us August 13th, 2016 at 10:30am on Branion Plaza to welcome the incoming class of 2020 students to U of G. There will be ice breakers, followed by lunch and then an Aggie focused tour of campus given by upper year agriculture students.

OAC 2017 Crop Tour

A large portion of the OAC 2017 Class will be away on a 2 week bus trip for late August & Early September.

Welcome Back BBQ

The OAC Welcome Back BBQ will be held on September 8th 2016. Location TBD.

OAC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

Victoria Park East Golf Club Guelph, ON, Canada

Join the OAC Alumni Association on September 9th 2016 for the annual Alumni Golf Tournament. Both 18-hole and 9-hole options are available. Registration closes at 4pm on September 1, 2016 but don't wait to register because only a limited number of spots are available!

Roaring ’20s Pub

Come on out to the first pub of the year this Wednesday, September 14th from 10pm-2am in PCH! Have your chance to meet & mingle with the class of 2020. Tickets are $5 at the door. This event is a split-licenced and all are welcome!

Welcome Back BBQ

Johnston Green Guelph, Ont, Canada

The Ontario Agriculture College is hosting a Welcome Back BBQ on Sept 14 2016 at 11:30am on Johnston Green. All OAC students are welcome for a little grillin' & chillin' but asked to RSVP to cobrien@uoguelph.ca by August 30th 2016.