18s vs 19s Bowling Night
Woodlawn BowlWinter Games
Ridgetown CollegeGuelph vs. Ridgetown. This is a 3-day competition between the two schools, various sports and challenges, ending off with a pub and awards ceremony.
Beef Research Night
ANNU 141The OAC Beef Science Club is putting on a Beef Research Night to highlight current beef research going on at the University of Guelph. Come on out and meet the…
Aggie Trivia
The Brass TapsCome out and show off your knowledge with everything about the Aggie lifestyle!!
UC Ag Days
UCCome out to the UC and help promote and share the knowledge of Canadian Ag throughout the day to the non-Aggie crowd!
SFOAC Open Meeting
Roz 102SFAOC will be hosting an open meeting on Wednesday, February 28th at 5:30pm. We will be using this open meeting to allow candidates for next year's SFOAC President, Vice President…
U of Guelph CAMA Student Chapter Practice
Interested in hearing about what the U of G CAMA Student Chapter has been up too this year? Join us at our Practice Presentation Night! Listen to our presentation, ask…
Aggies Got Talent
Brass TapsCalling all talents and future stars within the OAC, from the youngest Bronco to the oldest Alpha Timberwolf. This event will be in the Brass taps and will have a…