College Royal CIJC
PCH and Clinical SkillsThe Canadian Intercollegiate Judging Competition is an agricultural event held by the Ontario Agricultural College at The University of Guelph every March during the 12 Days of College Royal. It…
Glory, Glory to the College on the Hill!
The Canadian Intercollegiate Judging Competition is an agricultural event held by the Ontario Agricultural College at The University of Guelph every March during the 12 Days of College Royal. It…
Only $5 RSVP by March 12th (
Come test your knowledge at our trivia night. Trivia topics will cover a variety of topics some come out and participate in this fun event.
Super Thursday: Super Thursday is a fun and messy event held the Thursday before open house weekend. What better way to release pre-exam stress than to throw a pie at…
The OAC Euchre tournament is back for the spring semester. $20/team, same rules as always: Canadian Loner Stick the Dealer No Farmer's Hand Play fair and respect the rules. Email…
Come out of the cold and enjoy a taste of springtime! Students compete to make beautiful flowery creatures to win ribbons. All the competitor’s beautiful vase, centrepieces and corsage creations…
Come and visit our campus and the numerous events we have over the March 21st and 22nd weekend. Events include: Pancake Flip, Livestock Shows, Old Mac’s New Farm, Junior Tractor…
Get ready for the first ever Aggie vs. Engineering hockey game. The two colleges will face-off in an intercollegiate grudge match! Stay tuned for more information on team selection as…
Documentary in ROZ with free admission!